Under certain circumstances, you can request and receive a deferment or forbearance that allows you to temporarily stop or reduce your federal loan payment. Loans will offer different deferment and forbearance options and criteria. You will find this information on your loan promissory note. 

What is the difference between a deferment and forbearance?  

A  deferment allows you to postpone repayment and stops interest from accruing on loans while you are in a specific qualifying situation. A  forbearance allows you to temporarily reduce your monthly payments to interest-only payments. Interest continues to accrue and must be paid by the end of the forbearance period. 

How Do I Request a deferment of forbearance?  

Most deferments and forbearances are not automatic, and you will need to submit a completed request form(s) with supporting documentation. You will be notified once the Student Loans department has determined your eligibility. You may need to provide additional documentation if requested. 

For all deferment and forbearance inquiries and requests, please contact our office at 209.946.2446 or via email at studentloans@yuandianwan.com

You MUST continue making payments on your student loan(s) until you have been notified that your request for deferment or forbearance has been granted. If you stop paying and your deferment or forbearance is not approved, your loan will become delinquent and your loan may be in default. 

Download Deferment/Forbearance Forms

  • Click the link above 
  • Type “University of the Pacific” in the School Name and select 
  • Choose the form for your loan type 
  • Read and fill out the form *Be sure to attach any requested information necessary to process your deferment or forbearance* 

Contact Student Loans Department

Phone: 209.946.2446
Fax: 209.946.2653

Finance Center, 1st Floor
3622 Stagg Way
Stockton, CA 9521

Mailing Address
University of the Pacific
Attn: Student Loans
3601 Pacific Ave
Stockton, CA 95211

Office Hours
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Closed 12 p.m.–1 p.m. for lunch
Closed Thursday from 8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m.